Release Notes
Under normal circumstances, a website that isn't ready yet would never see the light of day. But our circumstances aren't normal. The status is not quo.
As we flee our sinking social media ships, we may end up in many different places, disconnected from each other. I felt it was important to let you know what I am working on, and provide a running website that you can bookmark and come back to when it's ready.
These Release Notes will let you know what is working, what isn't working, and what features are brought online as we go forward.
23 February 2025
This week has been devoted to technology research. There are no new features to deploy. Instead, I have been fighting with — erm, learning — how to add SocketIO support to the Flask applicaiton. This will allow real-time communication between the browser and server without having to reload the web pages, which supports things like new activity and friend request alerts, real-time delivery of messages, and all these kinds of things.
The week has been spent learning, challenging my own assumptions and understanding, and getting the SocketIO behavior working in a "Hello Socket" application. I hope to be able to get some features based on this protocol deployed next week. Stay tuned!
15 February 2025
I have not been able to devote as much time to this project this week as I have the previous few weeks. I did get a couple of new subsystems started that make it feel more like a community - photo albums and messaging. This is probably the buggiest deployment so far.
- Feed
- Replaced 'create a post' mechanism
- Started using popup windows for certain features
- Implemented 'edit (my own) post'
- Implemented 'who reacted to my post?' popup
- Profile
- Implemented navigating between Profile subsections (About, Posts, etc.
- Implemented Photos subsection
- Placeholders for Posts and Friends subsections
- Messaging
- Message link in info bar works
- Unread message counter works
- Conversation thread presentation works
- Photos
- Visual list of albums
- Visual list of photos in album
- Create album
- Drag and drop interface to add photos
- Added support for database migration so accounts are not lost on new deployment
7 February 2025
This week's notes include both visible changes and some design progress. I've checked a bunch more items off the to-do list. Last week, layout issues made mobile use impossible, so getting feedback even from programmer-friends was problematic. I accomplished a couple of things away from the codebase as well, so they don't show up in the sidebar list of Working Features.
This week's work:
- Reviewed progress with technical, UX and legal colleagues
- Set up and tested outbound email service
- Moved ID lists of various classes of Friends and Posts to the session, reducing the number of database calls required.
- Fixed responsive behavior of 2-column feed layout
- Reworked location of link in desktop and mobile navigation.
- Reworked contents of "Info bar".
- Added generation of random Profile Hero and Vacation photos
- Added object model support for Photo Albums (not reflected in UI yet)
- Added a "Profile Reputation" feature - cumulative counts of each reaction for all Posts by a Profile
- Created script to refresh reputation of all Profiles
- Removed "username" from registration and login in favor of email address
- Added gender to Profile, adjusted Profile Picture placeholders
- Added formatting to visually distinguish each Post Comment
- Added commenter's Profile information to Comment layout
- Added friend-status icons wherever Profiles are displayed
- 👤⭐ — Myself
- 👤✅ — My Friend
- 👤⏳ — Awaiting Response to My Friend Request
- 👤🔔 — I have a pending Friend Request from Them
- ➕👤 — Available to Friend Request
- Implemented Reject, Quarantine and Block on Friend Request list
- Quarantine: Remove the friend request from the list so I don't have to see it, but prevent the Requestor from issing a new Friend Request. Does not Block the Requestor.
- Implemented Unfriend, Block on Friends list.
- Profile Name clickable to view their Profile page
- Their Profile Page
- Friend-status indicator and active Friend Request link
- Mutual Friends count (not yet clickable)
- Link to list of Their Friends
- Their Friends page
- Each Friend display includes friend-status with YOU of their Friends
- Friend-request available
- Link to the Profile Page of Their Friend available
29 January 2025
It has only been a week but I've made a TON of progress. In addition to the "plumbing" being done for all of the following actions, I've written scripts for generating test data for each of these features as I go.
The callout at the top of the right column is the cumulative list of what's working. It's more abbreviated than these weekly notes, and I'll keep adding to it as things get done.
- User account creation
- Upload and set profile image
- Resize and center-crop uploaded image
- Create and edit limited profile info
- Login, logout
- Main Feed of posts
- Feed is not yet filtered
- Not yet auto-loading more
- Feed IS pulling real posts from database
- Reactions and comments are posted efficiently
- Robust Post Reactions:
- Love
- Like
- Care
- Laugh
- Wow
- Whatever
- Cry
- Eww
- Angry
- Stop It
- Top-level comments on a post
- Friend-request post author
- Friend Request notifications
- Accept Friend Request
- Data model implemented for:
- Nested comment threads on posts and images
- Photo Albums
- Attaching images to posts, comments and messages
- Independent scrolling of left and right columns
- New public pages
- Roadmap
- Known Issues
- Established SSH certificate
23 January 2025
- Information website is made available.
Progress Report
At this point, our development schedule is "as fast as we can go!" The counts in the info bar above are fake test users, but they are real counts from the database.
Jump to the latest Release Notes
The whole site ain't this pretty yet, but here's a peek at the Profile Page:

Up Next
- Delete post
- Delete photo, delete album
- Set Hero Image for Proifle
- Fix album behavior for profile photo upload
- Image support in Posts
- Tagging friends in Posts
Working Features
- Signup, Login, Logout
- Profile Page
- Nice header with Hero and Profile image
- Relationship icon, friend count, pronouns
- Profile Reputation indicator (cumulative reaction counts to Posts by this Profile)
- About information
- Link to Friends (not final UI)
- Navigation between sections
- Edit basic profile info
- Upload, set profile image
- Photos
- Display visual list of photo albums
- Display visual list of photos in album
- Add new photo album
- Drag-and-drop photos to add to album
- Messages
- Message threads between users
- Message alerts / unread count
- Main feed display
- Create a post
- Edit your own post (popup)
- Friend request a post author
- Comment on a post
- Friend request a comment author
- Display comment thread on post
- React to a post
- Display cumulative reactions on a post
- Display list all post reactors (popup)
- View other profile page
- View friends of other profile
- Accept, Decline, Quarantine (hide and prevent new request) Friend Request
- Block friend requestor
- Notifications for Comments and Post Reactions
- Mark as read
- Delete notification
Friends & Family
If you've ever been to a restaurant soft open, it's kind of similar. It's rough, but dinners get served. We'll need to have these working before we can invite you to start kicking the tires:
- Welcome email
- Password reset
- Edit user settings (UI preferences)
- Friend management, including un-blocking
- Edit, delete post
- Tagging friends
- Simple Main feed algorithm
- Messaging subsystem
Required for Launch
We need to add these features before we have a viable public site.
- Invitation subsystem (new users)
- Robust Main feed algorithm
- Enforcing post privacy
- Email Notificaiton subsystem
- Disk Capacity limits and warnings